Interchange - May 2023
The subject for next week's interchange session is one that is near and dear to our hearts: Creating a Coaching Culture.
Tom found a great article from Harvard Business Review on the subject that is worth the time it will take you to read it.
The first questions that we'll discuss are:
What is the value of having a coaching culture?
If you see value in it what's the goal or outcome that you're striving for as a cultural characteristic?
I think we all appreciate the value of leading by example. In other words, your behavior as the CEO, sets a strong example for others in your organization. One of the tenants of effective coaching that we subscribe to is that coaching is only coaching if it's asked for. Said a different way, coaching will only be listened to if people are open and receptive to it. Ensuring that they're receptive to it by gaining their explicit permission to provide coaching feedback or input, is the first necessary step in any coaching interaction.
If we think a little more deeply about this, it can be seen then that coaching exists in the way that people listen.
Are they listening for a valuable perspective?
Are they willing to set aside their ego?
Are they setting aside their own need to be right or to appear that they have the answers?
Going back to the premise that you have to lead by example, this then poses the question for you:
Are you asking for coaching?
Are you sharing your dilemmas and challenges with your people and asking for their input?
We’re not asking If you're collaborating together about common issues or problems that your organization faces. That's certainly valuable. We’re asking: Are you asking about the things that you are personally challenged or perplexed by?
Your propensity to ask for coaching will be greatly influenced by your Default Success Strategy. We suggest that you get out your Elevate Workbook and spend some time thinking about how your Default Success Strategy might get in the way of being vulnerable enough to ask.
The article plays out a two by two matrix which distinguishes 4 styles of coaching: 1) directive coaching 2) Laissez-Faire coaching 3) non directive coaching and 4) situational coaching. As you'll see, situational coaching involves both asking questions that helps them form their own conclusions, and providing your own ideas and suggestions. Each form of coaching is appropriate depending on the situation.
The article further presents a 4 step model for a coaching interaction called GROW. It is an acronym of:
Goal: Start with the goal of the coaching conversation. What is the person looking for from you in the conversation? What do they want to walk out the door with?
Reality: We would refer to this as the current reality. In other words what's happening with regard to this subject? What are the facts, and conditions that frame the issue? Open-ended questions that begin with who what where when and how are very effective at helping people think through the conditions and facts surrounding the subject.
Options: Frequently people feel stuck not knowing what to do. Helping them think through other options, again with skillful questioning, is a necessary step in the process.
Will: Finally, what actions will they take? … and, Do they have the will to carry through on those actions, especially when they're outside of their comfort zone. This issue of helping people build the will to step outside their comfort zone is an important one that the article doesn't go into. Helping the person you're coaching see how taking the uncomfortable action will benefit them, their department, and the organization. And how taking this action fits in with their personal purpose their “why” Is critical in building will.
To sum all this up and position us for a good conversation next week, here are the questions that we'll be discussing:
What is the value of having a coaching culture?
If you see value in it what's the goal or outcome that you're striving for as a cultural characteristic?
How does your Default Success Strategy bolster your propensity to ask for coaching? How does it inhibit you asking for coaching?
How often do you ask your team members for coaching? What habit might you put in place to set the example of being coachable?
How do you, or might you in the future, invite (entice, enroll, promote) your team members to engage in coaching discussions?
What might you do to make coaching a cultural norm throughout your organization?
We look forward to seeing you!